If you have already tried a lot of diets and they have not worked for you, it is probably because your body is working a little differently than others. Applying the standard diet will not have the right effect on you then and may work against you. Planning your diet has as much to do with your fitness goals as with the kind of body you have. Sometimes people choose to turn into a new leaf or start a new year resolution about losing weight and start any diet they hear about. After not seeing the results in a few days, they stop following the diet and go back to their unhealthy ways. They do not consider the fact that everybody type is different, and what may work for some people may not work for others. Here is a guide on finalizing your diet plan based on your body –

Knowing Your Body Is The Best Way Of Choosing The Right Diet
The Best Diet Is The One That You Keep Following For The Long Run
If a healthier lifestyle is your choice, do not go for crash diets hoping for instant results. Choose to go slow and make healthy choices throughout your life. Just because you ate some fries that were not in your diet plan does not mean that you have let go of the diet, and now it’s pointless, and you can go back to being unhealthy. As long as you make a few healthy choices every day, you are following the diet. That is because you have improved from making some healthy choices to some more. Progress is progress, even if it is very slow.
Match Your Diet Plan With Your Eating Habits
It doesn’t make sense to have a diet plan of 5 meals when you barely have time to make two meals properly. We live a busy life, and for people going to work, it is difficult to manage a diet. So plan your diet based on your routine and accommodations if you don’t have time to make meals during weekdays, prep lunches and dinners on weekends, and pack dry fruits as snacks, so they are all ready to go.
Match It With The Exercise You Get
Too much consumption and too little exercise are as harmful to the body as too much exercise and too little food. Balance both out even if you start out slow. You don’t need a gym membership or fancy equipment. Just go jogging when you get the time and opt to walk to nearby places instead of taking a vehicle.

Match It With The Exercise You Get
Plan Your Favourite Food Items As Incentives
Of course, you can still have your cheat meals, but just not as regularly as you did before. You will have to exercise your self-control throughout the week, so you can reward yourself with your favorite dish. Do not go overboard with this, and try to find alternatives for your favorite junk food. Replace them with healthy snacks as much as you can.
Knowing your body, your routines, your habits, your budget, your accommodations, and how much time you can spend on your diet plan are very important when it comes to perfecting your diet plan. Try a few things and see how much they work, and keep experimenting until you get it right and working.